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Tree of life superstring theory part 109

Updated: Nov 28, 2020








We see that the first 10 types of enfolded polygons embody the number of corners of the inner form of 10 Trees of Life. If we had found that the number of hexagonal yods in the former was, say, the number of corners in eight overlapping Trees of Life, this would have meant that nothing concerning the archetypal status of the 10 polygons could be inferred, for there is nothing special about the number 8 vis-à-vis the Tree of Life. However, the fact that the hexagonal yod population refers to the polygons enfolded in 10 Trees of Life is highly significant in view of the basic relevance of the Decad to the Tree of Life; 10 overlapping Trees are the next level of representation of the 10 Sephiroth of a single Tree. Not only that, the author's study of many forms of sacred geometry (see here under the heading "350 = 90 + 260") has shown that they always embody the number 350 in some way — geometrically or arithmetically, as in the case of the Tetrahedral Lambda — and it is striking confirmation of the archetypal status of the first 10 enfolded polygons that they should contain 350 hexagonal yods outside their root edge. The hexagonal yod on the root edge associated with each set of 10 enfolded polygons corresponds to the topmost corner of the hexagon enfolded in the tenth Tree. This corner has a special status because, being shared with the hexagon enfolded in the eleventh Tree, it is not intrinsic to the 70 polygons enfolded in the lowest 10 Trees. Likewise, one hexagonal yod on the root edge is only associated with one set of seven enfolded polygons; it does not exclusively belong to this set because it is also shared with the other set of polygons.

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