From the outset I would like to emphasize that what we are all trying to achieve on this soul-journey is a unity and oneness with the source.
We can call this source God, Divine Mind, Omnipotence etc.
Kabbalah refers to this source of power as:
Ain: No thing
Ain sof: Limitless
Ain Sof Aur: Limitless Light
In other words this power (God) is boundless, formless, limitless. No-Thing that we can put our fingers on and say this is it.
I believe that what we call God is the life-force which permeates everything and all aspects of creation. This life force is pure energy, pure consciousness, non-corporeal. It can neither be grasped nor be comprehended in its fullness that is, in its totality. However we can connect to this source of light and power through its channels of manifestations.
According to the wisdom of Kabbalah these channels of light-manifestations are the 10 sephiroth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the 12 Zodiacal portals, the 7 traditional planets and the 4 elements.
These channels are like reservoirs of Light-Energy and together with the Esoteric teachings of the Tarot-Archetypes they provide a rich source of practical spiritual knowledge that one can harness and apply to bring success and fulfillment into our lives.
According to Kabbalah there are ten dimensions of Energy-consciousness that make up our reality and goes into the Creation of all Existence.
These various dimensions of Energy-Consciousness are called Sephirah (singular) and Sephiroth (plural) meaning Emanations of the light.
Each Sephirah or Sphere acts like a metaphysical transformer or breaker in that they step down the intensity of the Energy-light-force into frequencies our consciousness can safely handle.
These individual sephirah together make up what is called The Tree of Life or in Hebrew The Etz-Chayim.